Our Team

Cristal Morales

Sakata Seed

Cristal is a supply manager for Sakata Seed, with 16 years of agribusiness experience. Having split her time between infield and office experience, Cristal is an expert in rubus production, forecasting, and supply planning. She managed Driscoll’s North American raspberry supply and forecasting for seven years, and traveled extensively to understand and spread best practices with growers throughout all production regions.

The daughter of a migrant farmworker and alumna of the Center for Land-Based Learning’s (CLBL) Farming, Agriculture, and Resource Management for Sustainability (FARMS) leadership program, Cristal is a first-generation university graduate and most recently completed a master’s in agriculture, specializing in bio resource and agricultural systems. In addition to berry production, her passions include problem solving with graphic information systems and supporting the CLBL’s effort to promote careers in agriculture.